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Student Activities Coordinator


Glenn A. Anderson is a proud graduate of Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Management.  He also holds a Master of Education degree in Career and Technical Education from Concordia University - Portland.  Prior to becoming Student Activities Director, Mr. Anderson served Armstrong High School in various coaching capacities such as:  Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant Boys Volleyball Coach, Assistant Football Coach, and Head JV Football Coach.  He served as the Head Softball Coach from 2012-2017.  The 2017 team was Conference 26 Regular Season Champions and competed in the Class 3 Regional Tournament for the first time in school history.  He began his career as the Student Activities Director here at Armstrong in 2017. 

Mr.  Anderson was a Career and Technical Education teacher who was named Teacher of the Year for Armstrong High School in 2016-2017.  He is a Registered Athletic Administrator (RAA), who is also a member of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administration (NIAAA), Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administration (VIAAA), National Organization of Minority Athletic Directors (NOMAD), the Alliance for Academic Athletic Coaches and Educators (3ACE), the National Education Association (NEA), the Richmond Education Association (REA) and RVA Men Teach.  

 "I lead with understanding and by example to enhance all aspects of Armstrong Athletics, by meeting our coaches and student-athletes where they are and pushing them to their potential."